Where Friendship & Amazing Music Grows
The friendliest Choir in Harrogate, The Stray Notes is a Community Choir with a big heart where everyone is welcome.
The Stray in Harrogate is a truly special place. In all seasons The Stray makes you smile, a place to get away from it all, where everyone’s welcome and kindred spirits come together to make the most of life. We feel the same way about our choir.
Who We Are
The Stray Notes is just as special as the Stray… that’s why we’re called ‘The Stray Notes’. Singing in the shower is good for the soul, but singing in harmony with a group of wonderful friends is even better. For a couple of hours each week, singing with The Stray Notes choir in Harrogate is a great way to relax and boost your mood.
Music is provided for every song as well as practice tracks to help you learn. You won’t need to audition or to read music as there is always plenty of chance to pick up your part ….. we don’t mind the odd stray note either!
Our Musical Director, Liz Linfoot keeps rehearsals light hearted and always makes sure that there is time to sing through the ‘old favourites’ as well as learning new songs.
If you are interested in joining The Stray Notes then contact us to get more information or email members@thestraynotes.org.uk
A limited number of taster sessions are available during September and January.
If you want to join a Harrogate choir, Contact us to book a taster session now or email members@thestraynotes.org.uk